In our rapidly changing world, our mid councils require creative, generous, and healthy leaders. These leaders go by many names – and we believe that it includes you. With this form, you are invited to join the Association of Mid Council Leaders. AMCL provides the collegial learning community for executive presbyters, general presbyters, stated clerks, synod executives, associate executives, presbytery staff, etc. AMCL is the learning, support, and advocacy community for Mid Council leaders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Every day, mid council leaders are facing new challenges and embracing new opportunities as they serve our denomination's presbyteries and synods. For our councils to serve congregations effectively, AMCL provides important benefits, including:
Annual meeting and gatherings that promote community-building
Education, professional development opportunities and advertisement for your openings
3-Year Presbytery Leadership Formation Program(PLF) for new presbytery executive leaders
Distance learning platform available for online learning communities
Dropbox for sharing resources, guidelines and policies
Information for mission intelligence, research, statistics
Support and advocacy for issues of shared concern

The first membership from a presbytery or synod is $125.00. After that, each membership is $50.00. This is because some of the dues go to fund the Presbytery Leadership Formation cohorts, which is available to the person in the executive (or equivalent) role. All members get access to online and in-person gatherings, Moodle opportunities, Dropbox, and support. Please fill out one form per person. Dues can be combined in one check if more than one member is joining from your mid council. Click HERE for the membership form.
AMCL and ASC have two Zoom gatherings each month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 4:oo (ET) for connection, resourcing and conversation on topics related to mid council ministry. The Zoom link is sent out through the Google Group.
AMCL and ASC also hold joint annual meetings annually and schedule at least one joint conference each year. Please watch announcements in the Google Group for dates and locations. Updates will also be posted on this website.

90 Day Companion Program
The ninety-day companion is a seasoned presbytery leader who is asked to call the new leader on a weekly basis the first month, and at least monthly the next two months. The purpose is simply to walk with the new leader as they prepare to start the new call and during the first few months on the field. Companions can direct new leaders to resources they may need as well as help sort out the things with which they will need to deal in beginning their new ministry.
The PLF program coordinator assigns the ninety-day companions on behalf of the Association of Mid Council Leaders. Ninety-day companions are assigned to new Presbytery program leaders and new associate presbyters. Wilson Gunn is the program coordinator until Dec. 31, 2022 after which Sheldon Sorge will assume the role. The email for the program remains the same: presbyleader@gmail.com
How to Join the AMCLMatters Google Group
he AMCLMatters Google group is one of the best ways to connect with colleagues in Mid Council Leadership for resourcing and support.
Send a request to join the group to Erin Cox-Holmes (erincoxholmes@gmail.com). Put AMCL Google group in the subject line for fastest response.
Important! The person who wishes to join must verify they wish to join. It is a federal spam law.
Do NOT publically welcome the person to their ministry position via the google group until you have verification that they have been added to the group.